Sunday, 11 December 2011

He's making me fall 'under his spell'?

Helloo :) This is long so if you could read this, then thank you ;D

Um basically, This friend of mine called Callum is trying to make me fall in love with him, when i'm with my boyfriend of 19 months. I understand that he 'likes' me but it's getting to the point where he going way over the top.

He says 'Your beautiful' 'Your hot' blah blah, but then he says 'I can't wait to see you next time when you come round, half naked and what we will do' and all that kind of stuff, if you get me. He also kissed me on friday, which i told my boyfriend about.

I don't want him to hate me, i just want to be friends and i dont want him doing this because im scared he'll pressure me into doing things if i go round his next, (he wants me round this week sometime :/) and knowing me i'll just follow along cos i dont want him having a go :(

I love my current partner to bits and do not want to lose him but i wanna know how to let this boy down gently and hopefully get the message that i dont want him! He made me fall for him a while back but i shook it off cos i was with my current partner but now he's trying to bring these feelings back, and it's annoying!

How do i let him down but i dont want to be harsh :(?He's making me fall 'under his spell'?
Tell him bluntly. Seriously, you must remove any and all hope he may have going on within his head.

You want to keep him as a friend? Why? He's a nice guy? The only reason why you both are friends is because he has feelings more than friendship for you. He is working things towards that angle, and you are merely being friendly. He believes that he can steal you away, and he may have gotten close -- but failed. He should have realized it then, but for whatever reason hasn't. He revealed his cards, and continues to state his cards -- which is utterly and completely wrong when wanting to appeal to someone within a relationship. It should always be implied via sexual tension, but never stated/declared.

And, in removing his hope of being with you -- chances are that ';friendship'; will quickly deteriorate.

What he is doing -- I used to do...quite a bit. However, while I was always successful at getting the girl to cheat I was never able to cause a break up. It is actually fairly hard to get someone to break up with their current bf/gf for you. Normally, there is something wrong with their current relationship. They tell me, a friend, and I give them good advise on how to deal with it. However, I now know what they look for in a guy, and what they want. I can then shape my actions to appeal directly to the girl -- making me look like the ';perfect'; guy. Though, you never state your feelings during the process. There are only a few moments in which it is even viable, and you must be sure the girl will respond kindly. And, of each of these girls that didn't leave their boyfriends...I talk to them maybe once every couple months, or years.

Guys/Girls do not make friends unless one of them has feelings for the other. That is what causes/allows the connection. Now, if they ever reveal their feelings is something totally different, but I can assure you that someone within the friendship will always have feelings for something more.

However, if you want to keep him on the side in case you and your current partner break up...that's up to you. But, I would say -- tell him you're with your partner, and you're not leaving for him. You will not ever leave for him, and to stop trying to cause problems between you and your current partner.

As long as there is hope for him in his eyes...he will not stop. And, you're the only one who can give him that hope -- or remove it.

If he persists...get a restraining order, heh.He's making me fall 'under his spell'?
buno pues nunca entendi la pregunta jaja asi que no pude contestarte disculap...^^...


saludos desde mexico..
Unless you are harsh he'll probably think you're trying to play hard to get.
just say if your my friend you would respect me and my relationship

if you care you would be a true friend.

but the Truth is he just want to test drive you not that you would but if you gave him some he will not show much interest.
some guys never learn my freind u might have to harsh , he sounds like the type of guy who knows what he wants and gets what he wants, he sounds very pushy too. not the kinda guy ide be freinds with, im sorry but u might have to be harsh,
I'm afraid you're going to have to be direct and just tell him you're not interested in him. It might seem harsh but its the best way to get the message across. Don't feel like you owe him anything or you need to protect his feelings, otherwise if you let this go on it could bring trouble.
best thing to do hun is to talk to him say hey i really want to be your friend and nothing more i love my bf and i would appreciate it if you could back off just a little we could still hang out and stuff but just as friends.

or maybe just slowly back away if that doesn't work don't ans his calls or texts. try not to be around the places he usually is

hope i helped!

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