Why have people put up with life? Whats the point of working to survive? Why doesn't the world commit suicide?
As a student of history, I just can't understand why people put up with life. The world painted by evolutionary psychology is just brutal. Women are just rape slave, toys, and playthings for men to enjoy. But its not much better as a man, since while your sister and daughter might be raped and enslaved, you would just be killed off.
What is the life of man? A brutal struggle of existence against both nature and man. What was the point of the slave and serf, working backbreaking labor 16 hours a day for some brutal lord who rapes his daughters? Can you really say that the serf or factory-worker made the right choice in living such a brutish existence? Why shouldn't he have just committed suicide?
What makes human life so valuable that life is worth preserving for its own sake? Or is it just that we are programmed to survive by our selfish genes? And that our individual happiness means nothing to the gene who ';wins'; as long as it reproduces.
If I was a religious man, I guess I would be a monk, and just endure the trials of life, till this hell was over. But what kind of God would make a world like this? I would have to be a Gnostic and believe that whomever created this hellish world was not benign.
I realize that things are somewhat better now. But humanity is driven by the same cruel Darwinian biological nature. I mean how do you deal with man, when you know how insanely evil he is?
These thoughts have destroyed my life. I'm practically catatonic. I can't get out of bed or go to school or get a job. I just don't get why any rational being would put up with the hell that is life. What possible pleasure could inspire it? Sexual pleasure? Love for wife or children? Both the vulgar lust and higher ';love'; are just the selfish gene playing you as a fool.
If after all these centuries, and so much material progress man's ethics remains at the same level, perhaps even declining, then I see no reason that this generation is suddenly going to get it. If anything my generation seems to be the most comfortable with the human condition and rather cynical. So I certainly don't expect some moral amelioration of the human condition to come out of Generation Y. So if we are stuck with the world, cultute, and ethos of the present, what good life can one live other than gouging oneself on biological pleasure?
Maybe I'm too harsh on humanity seeing them as ideas and spirits rather than gene machines. So I wont hate or condemn them anymore than I would a wolf or a hog. But I certainly can't live among them. So whats to become of me?
I don't pleasure in anything biological.
Fun and power don't appeal to me. It is true the dog eat dog ethos is antithetical to my beliefs. But it seems so entrenched and unshakeable that it might as well be objectively true. The only point of life is to be the strongest ape on top of a mountain of skulls.
When I was younger I was more driven by ambition. And the better world I could create was perhaps only a figleaf for naked ambition. But slowly that seed grew until the cause mattered.
Well anyway once I got to see the world as it was, the ideology that underlay it, and the hopelessness of changing it, I fell into deep despair. Life in a world like this is truly pointless and worse than meaningless. None of its joys have any appeal to me. There is no such thing as individualism. Everyone must accept the dominant ideology of the times. Your only deluding yourself if you think your a special unique individual. There is nothing more conformist than individuality.
I don't care about free will. There is nothing glorious about free will. Other than natural disasters every act of evil comes from supposed free will. It makes no difference whether actions are determined by genes. The problem is what actions are determined. Sadism, evil, brutality, domination, cruelty. No rational being can coexist with humans. Your genes have to do all the work, instincts or your sunk. There is no greater curse than to be able to think and feel, but not be driven by genetic instinct in a world like this. The world as it is has nothing to offer me but torture. Simply coexisting with humanity is driving me to madness.
Your apoligia for humanity bears no resemblance to the beasts that actually exists. I don't see humans trying to do good and trying to help each other. Humans are incapable of love. That is not the spirit of our age. Your coming from another planet. thats not the humanity I know. I have nothing in common with humanity. This does not make me superior. As far as survival of the fittest is concerned I'm clearly unfit to exist in this world.
How dare my parents disturb my eternity of peaceful nonexistence and throw me into the hell of life! Why would I feel any gratitude for the worst Why have people put up with life? Whats the point of working to survive? Why doesn't the world commit suicide?
I'm not reading that crap.
But no matter what happens, life is better than non life.
Why is it so hard for you to realize that.Why have people put up with life? Whats the point of working to survive? Why doesn't the world commit suicide?
@gravity fox
you cant really say that, considering the fact that when you're dead, you don't really give a crap.
Where you lead, others will surely follow
It it you, Lindsay Lohan? I know your court appearance was rough, but...
Edit: There IS NO QUESTION here. It's a rant; a verbal dump in the darkest, most cynical terms. It appeals to emotion and and holds up a sign reading ';nihilism'; without doing the work to philosophically support the position. ';Nobody likes me... I'm gonna eat some worms.'; The Job-like ';curse the day my parents birthed me'; doesn't make this rant Christian. The emptiness of claiming everyone is a ';beast'; ';incapable of love'; attacks everyone who bothers to read it; it is not intellectual agnosticism. The ';thumbs down'; voting on emotionalism simply reinforces a perverse self-pity. The attempt at humor is nowhere near as tasteless as the rant from which it escapes.
Its better to live than die, you wouldnt know what is awaiting you after death.
Join organizations helping out the unfortunates, when you do good deeds, it will make you happy.
study religions, and try to discover which is the true religion
take up an activity ectra
To sum all 'that' up,, to remind 'you' that THIS is not Heaven!
Well, I'm not going to read all that.
This is a Q%26amp;A forum, not an essay forum.
From the little bit that I read, I'll say this:
If you do not wish to continue living, then you have choices, but it's not your right or place to decide if others wish to continue to live or if their reasons are valid.
Ahhhh giant wall o' text. Runaway, runaway.
Hey, don't project. If you don't want to live, don't. Most folks are driven to stay alive because our biology gives a strong survival instinct that it is difficult to overcome. If you're able to, good for you. Personally, I agree with Phoenix, both about ice cream and sex, but even more, putting the two together.
Feel better?
Most people are not as fatalistic as you, dearie. Some of us actually enjoy life.
TL;DR - the rest of it
You sound lost, Try God!
yeah..... u kinda wasted ur time writting all that... no one is going to read it... I am no exeption. Here, I condensed it into this version for u.... (this is what u should have said.
';Dear Diary, no one understands me but u. I dyed my hair black and wear it covering my eyes, I wear eye liner and black nail pollish.... So why still doesn't anyone talk to me, or be my friend or want to have sex with me? I hate MY life. It is so cruel and cold. Speaking of colds, I really like having them... because then.... atleast... I feel..... something.. sniff sniff wahahahahah
Based on your FIRST sentence .....
Because we can find beauty, greatness, hope, love, fun, excitement, etc.... in every day.
One just has to look for it.
Humans are a stubborn species. Reguardless of how much humans screw-up, they have a tendency to go on as though nothing is wrong. Its something to do with the hard wiring in a human brain.
My life is awesome. You are looking at the outside world for happiness, and you will never find it that way. You also can answer your own question, because why are you still alive? If you really believed it, you would have already killed yourself.
Its a very simple answer to your question (well thought out, I might add); its because its what evolution made us. It gave us a instinct to survive. Those that do not want to survive will die. Those that do live on.
There is no why about this... we are simply naturally inclined to survive, but we don't have an intrinsic justification for it. But we do so because it is an instinct, which, by definition, needs no rational justification.
Despite priding ourselves on being ';rational animals';, we are simply following animal instinct. All of our actions are rational means to an irrational end; life, which has no rationality.
Great question, and unfortunately, judging by the other answers, unappreciated.
Hey I actually read the whole thing,I regret it...
';The world painted by evolutionary psychology is just brutal...';
Straw-man right off the bat. It only gets worse from there.
You don't like life? Do what you want with your life, it's yours.
But projecting your silly ';psychology'; onto both science and everyone else is both arrogant and selfish. And shows a great deal of ignorance about what life and the world have to offer.
So you've had a tough time -- boo hoo. Deal with it and do something constructive with the one life you have, or bail. Your choice. The rest of us have things to enjoy, things to learn, a better world to build and leave to our offspring, and experiences to savor.
Unlike some of the people on here who don't actually care and won't read this forum. I read the entire thing and do care. I don't want to offer you any religions, ethics, or any other thing like that to change your life to a better life or a more peace filled life. They won't work! What I want to offer you is a personal relationship with a person. Not an ideology or teaching. But a real, living person! This person is Jesus Christ. The claims that he makes and the difference that He has made in so many people's lives, are unmatched! I notice that the problem you have is the inability to overcome the world. Read these words spoken by Christ: 33These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.'; If you put your trust in Christ (and not just His teachings) you will have the ability to overcome this world and the tribulations that it brings upon you. Life isn't easy! Everybody has experienced hardships and thought the world was going to eventually crush them. But it doesn't have to be that way. 14And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:
15That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
If you truly want to break the bonds of this world, put your trust in Christ! I will pray for you! God bless!
God gave us life...
To treat life with disdain is to dis-respect God.
(Ecclesiastes 12:13) The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the [true] God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole [obligation] of man.
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”
You sound like a perfectly rational and caring human being to me. Don't kill yourself just yet; there are lots of arguments against evolutionary psychology. Humans are more than just animals.
I recommend you watch this documentary. It tries to explain why we live in such a sick society and may answer some of your questions. Parts two and three are also available on google video.
Wow! Someones having a worse day than I am. I don't understand what the question is. Of what I could understand, you think love is something people are incapable of. I have to disagree, I think without love there would be little purpose to most things. I think the fact that you are hurting is prove that you are capable of love. We work hard so that we can enjoy the things in life that bring us joy, and most of us have days where we feel like giving up, but on those days when we do feel joy aren't we glad that we are alive to witness it. You are not unfit to exist in this world, don't ever let anybody make you feel like that. You have to live your life your way, and for you. Nobody is going to hold your hand when they bury you, so why worry about other peoples perception of you. I don't now what your parents did to ';disturb my eternity of peaceful nonexistence'; maybe they are worried about you. You sound really depressed and disillusioned, you should talk to someone about how you feel.
08457 90 90 90 Samaritans
I'm having a good time.
Well, Van, after reading your entire post, I can understand your point of view to a certain extent. To answer your question directly, in general, people put up with life as it is because they're grateful to even have it and some look to better others' lives. People work to survive in order to gain fulfillment and to take care of themselves and their families. Now you're right about what has gone on throughout history - the degradation of women, the use of free will for evil ends, the struggle of daily living, and so on. Naturally, dwelling on these things would bring anyone down psychologically. But instead of dwelling on how bad life can be at present and plunging into a state of catatonia, I implore you to get up and find out how life was originally intended to be, why it is the way it is right now, what is being done to restore life to how it was meant to be, and how you can be a part of it.* The only way you can do this, Van, is with a study of the Bible. In that study, you will find out that Almighty God did not create the world to be like it is today and that you can have a positive outlook on life because of the real hope that the Bible gives. Because of this knowledge from the Bible, over 7 million people live their lives with purpose and so can you. So, Van, if you're interested in this study, get up and search out Jehovah's Witnesses in your area at their local Kingdom Hall. Because of our genuine love for fellow humans, we are more than happy to help people learn what the Bible really teaches because of the peace of mind that it gives us amidst the problems we face today. You will come to know that Bible knowledge is the greatest source of happiness you can have and you will find deep meaning and purpose in your life if you take to heart the truths you learn. It's easier to coexist with fellow humans when you're happy, so try it, Van. I promise it will be worth your while. Best wishes.
*We have a magazine entitled, ';Has God Left Us?'; that goes into detail on this very subject. You'll greatly benefit from it if you take out the time to read it. You can request this magazine from Jehovah's Witnesses.
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