Friday, 12 November 2010

How can you make someone fall in love with you again?

was this meant to be?

im 14 years old, im a girl and there is this 16 year old boy, theres too much to say about the whole time i met him... so ill try to make it short,

i fell for him like exactly 10 times, but the last time was really different he changed atleast i thought he did, he acted like a different person someone, he wanted sex mostly all the other times i went out with him, like 3 or 4 weeks ago, we got back together which we arent anymore because he wanted sex again, we kissed and it wasnt just a kiss more of a tounge kiss, the next day we typed to each other and he said i didnt know what i was doing i was sick that night i kissed you, do guys ever change, should i move on or give him another chance, but im sick of him but then again who can foget about your real love? i dont know anymore, we said iloveyou to each other but i guess i should move along, right?

WHAT GOES THROUGH A 16 YEAR OLD BOYS MIND?How can you make someone fall in love with you again?
In reply to your primary question, you can't 'make someone fall in love' with you again In reply to your last question, a 16-year old boy is thinking with his zipper. If you're smart, you'll avoid being alone with any boys until you're old enough to know what you expect from someone you're dating - the most important thing is respect.How can you make someone fall in love with you again?
move on
Yes, move your 14 year old *** along. Worry about finishing school first. Guys will always be there. You are already boning at 14? That's not good. Sounds like he's just using you to get some booty anyways, don't fall for that crap, you deserve better. Seriously, like I said, think about graduating or something, there are tons of guys out there and you shouldn't be trippin about them at your age...
He just wants sex, honey. You want love.

You're not going to get love from him, not now. Wait a few years, let him go off and have sex with other girls, get it out of his system. Although you might not like him so much in a few years ....
Give him one last chance, if he doesn't change or persist to want to have sex, breakup with him.
he tihnks he loves you but he just really wants it easy

but then again u saying no all the time and he still wants you maybe should give him one more chance and tell him if he asks for sex u will break up with him BUT then u would have to ask for the sex WHE NU DO WANT IT coz he wont ask for it
First off, you can NOT make someone love you. It is impossible. Second thing, stop worrying about this stuff at your age. Really, it's not worth the stress as all.

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