Friday, 12 November 2010

How do you make a guy fall in love with you when you kiss him?

I know it's a dumb question but I make out with this guy all the time and I want to show him that the kiss is actually meaningful to me. What can I do to show him that I really care about him when we kiss?How do you make a guy fall in love with you when you kiss him?
Cup his balls.

EDIT: Seriously. Cup his balls!How do you make a guy fall in love with you when you kiss him?
You have to tell him! You need to find a bf and stop letting boys use you.
Do it slow and don't think of anything other than the kiss. And hold it a little longer than usual. Hold his neck and bring him closer and deeper into the kiss. Put passion into and he should get the idea at least
go on a nice date, even to the movies, or out for dinner or something, or maybe just for a nice walk by the river or lake or something(thats what i did lol) and sit down....just talk to him and tell him how much you really care for him, and how you hope he cares the same way you do, and leave over and give him a gentle kiss. It works ;)
From the words of ville valo

Give him a kiss worth dieing for...

Obviously i'v swapped her for him so yeah

make it a good one! good luck
sounds corny, but give him a sweet yet simple kiss. back off a little bit and see how he reacts to it. then just kinda lean back in and pretend you're gonna give him another but instead whisper something sweet in his ear. see how he reacts to that. =D
Just tell him that it means a lot to you and that you enjoy it. You must communicate with him and let him know how you feel. Also, you cannot make someone fall in love with you, they are going to feel the way they feel no matter what you do. It is the human condition, you either love someone or you don't, it isn't something you decide to do. Good luck!
Just tell him! How hard can it be?
If you really want him to fall in love with you, go kiss something else for about 5 minutes.
You can't make a guy fall in love with you. Kiss with passion and also tell him that you have fallin in love and was wondering did he feel the samething... If he isn't in love with you and he just there to be kissin u then u need someone better..
its not a dumb question!! just kiss him next time and cut off the kiss saying i love you thats what i did with my bf and he said it back and i really felt like we were in love
When you kiss him, you want to hug and gently caress his body. you might want to grab his chest first and then his arms and maybe it will happen
be honest and passionate rather than prudey and holding back and all nervous

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