Its a long story but basically I really like this guy and I'm seeing him in a group of people today (for 2 hours) Im not a slut so dont give me any of those stupid comments like ';just flash him'; or whatever It would be great if i could get some honest tips :)
pretty pleaseHow to make a guy fall in love with you in 2 hours?
You can't force it...if you change the way you behave and he falls in love then it's not really you he's in love with. Be yourself but take an interest in him so that he notices you, that way he has a chance to fall for who you are not what you're pretending to be. If it doesn't work out you can move on.How to make a guy fall in love with you in 2 hours?
just crack a joke..... if he doesn't laugh than tell him to go flip himself and walk out.
Just be yourself.
Just try to stick out in the a little, not too much because then like me you end up lookin like a fool, but just stick out and prove you can have a good time :)
You can't 'make' him do anything. Stuff doesn't work like that, especially not love.
Whether or not he likes you is totally up to him, and nothing you can do is going to make any bit of difference to that.
Just go and have fun and don't stress over what he thinks of you. You can't control or manipulate other people, so why try?
Hi there
I'm a guy so Ithis comes from the heart believe it are not ..guys yes they love the sexual side I mean who doesnt ..but its that chemistry and chemistry is simple its not just attraction ion looks but its simple as man she soo funny she makes me laugh and I can tell her things etc .
Ultimately guys want this they want a girl that really fun to be with at the same time listen and build them up...
no you have 1 hour 59 minutes to get him to like you (honestly doubt people can fall in love in 2 hours), then that last minute you get his number so you can meet up again, then you have more time, but you have to let him no your interested so keep talking, keep smiling. but no dont act out of the ordinary and be yourself, good luck b
even by ******* or acting like slut you can't make him fall for you.
just in two hours its almost impossible.
try conversation with him more and more get to know him well..he can only fall for you if he knows you pretty well and likes to be with you. guys don't love slutty character gals. they will just like to have fun with them .try to be yourself . don't pounce on him. it will turn him off..
and one important thing if you will love and respect yourself then only others will do . its true. so try to value yourself . don't be pushy while chasing fir him . and don't let him know that you love him in the initial part of chase. and it takes time to love somebody. so give him time but don't ever waste yourself for such a person who never cared for you and your feelings
Be yourself, as corny as it seems.
And you can't ';make him fall in love w| you';.
If anything it will be lust lol.
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